Section: New Results

Users Modeling and Designing Interaction

User-centered Heuristics for the Control of Personal Data

Participants : Patrice Pena, Alain Giboin.

This work is done in collaboration with Karima Boudaoud and Yoann Bertrand, SPARKS, I3S, in the context of the PadDOC FUI project. Last year we elaborated a set of user-centered heuristics and a procedure for designing and evaluating systems allowing the control of personal data. The elaboration of the heuristics was based on: (1) the transposal of Nielsen's heuristics and of Scapin and Bastien's ergonomic criteria to the control of personal data ; (2) the user centering of the Privacy-by-Design notion of integrated privacy; and (3) the integration of Altman's interaction approach to privacy. This year we evaluated the heuristics and the procedure by asking security specialists and HCI ergonomists to apply them to the designed PadDOC user interfaces. A not yet published report sets out the results of this evaluation together with the heuristics and the procedure.

Design of a User-Centered Evaluation Method of Exploratory Search Systems Based on a Model of the Exploratory Search Process

Participants : Emilie Palagi, Alain Giboin, Fabien Gandon.

This work was undertaken in the context of the PhD of Emilie Palagi, in cooperation with Raphaël Troncy (EURECOM). Our method takes into account users' exploratory search (ES) behavior and is based on a cognitive model of an ES task. We work on two applications: Discovery Hub (Wimmics project – Inria) and 3cixty (EURECOM project). During the second year of PhD, we analyzed several models of information seeking process and we compared them with our own grid of the typical characteristics of ES activities [41].

We used Ellis' model of Information Seeking as a basis for the elaboration of our model of ES process: we modified it to better suit the ES characteristics. We evaluated our model by comparing it to video records of three ES sessions on Discovery Hub (http://discoveryhub.co/): we wrote down the different chains of the different model's features used by the users in their ES session. For the three records, we were able to identify the features of our model. From this analysis, we conclude that our model of ES can express the users' activity during an ES task. In this evaluation of our model, we also identified and listed the possible transitions between the model's features. These transitions do not reflect all the possible transitions in an ES session, but they express ES behaviors that all ES systems should facilitate. Based on the ES model's features and the possible transitions between them, we designed two different evaluation and design methods of ES systems which do not involve necessarily users:

  • Without users: Heuristics of ES and a procedure that explains how to use them. These heuristics are principles for the interaction design. The Heuristics of ES can be used several time along the design process of the ES system (in the design and evaluation phases).

  • With users: a guide for the elaboration of a customizable test protocol. The goal of the test is to analyze ES session records in order to find the model's features. In this guide, we give indications to customize the protocol and prepare users tests (e.g. the users selection). Then, we also explain how to analyze the ES sessions recorded.

We are currently testing the heuristics and the test protocol.

User-centered Redesign of a User Interface Allowing to Remotely Control the AZKAR Robot

Participants : Thierry Bergeron, Alain Giboin, Michel Buffa.

In the context of the AZKAR project, we redesigned, with a user-centered method, the user interface allowing to remotely control the AZKAR robot. The original user interface was dedicated to the developer of the Web-RTC (Real Time Communication) aspects of the solution. The new interface is dedicated to end-users such as distant visitors of a museum who remotely control the robot installed in the museum.

Needs Analysis of the Target Users of the WASABI musical search platform

Participants : Alain Giboin, Isabelle Mirbel, Michel Buffa, Elmahdi Korfed.

In the context of the ANR project WASABI, we started an analysis of the needs of the target users of the future WASABI platform. We began with composers and musical content broadcasters. We will continue with musicologists, journalists, and sound engineers.

From User Goals to Process-Based Service Compositions

Participant : Isabelle Mirbel.

Complex user's needs often require heterogeneous services to be combined together. In this work, we explore a novel approach to enable flexible and dynamic composition of heterogeneous services for end users who are usually not familiar with technical process models. End-users are only required to model their goals and semantic reasoning is used for the composition itself. The possible service compositions are expressed in BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) in order to be then processed by a BPMN engine. Since the composition is built on-the-fly, this approach avoids static linking of services and therefore is much more flexible. The results of this research have been published in [39].